Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pickup Trucks to Pasta, "Let the Rumpus Begin!"

Well, here it is-the day I leave behind the land of front porches, pickup trucks, and sweet tea and trek off to a strange land of ferrarris, pizza, and pasta.  I am so excited about what is ahead of me but at the same time it sure is hard to leave behind those 10 little newborn lab puppies, not to mention my family and friends!  This is a little of what I am leaving behind, and I don't know where I am headed but I know it will be a lot different haha.

Here I am sitting in the Montgomery airport and I have no excited about stepping into the unknown in but a few short hours.  So, as Max so eloquently put it in Where The Wild Things Are, "Now...LET THE RUMPUS BEGIN!"  

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